Alternative site for the Global ecosystem typology with additional information for ecosystem profiles and indicative maps.
This site is maintained by jrfep
These dark aquatic systems buried below ground have varied levels of connectivity to surface waters, which influence their traits and processes profoundly. Microbial mats composed of bacteria and aquatic fungi on submerged rock surfaces are major food sources for protozoans and invertebrates, especially in systems that are isolated from surface waters. Larger water bodies support predatory fish. When connectivity is strong, inflow brings a supply of nutrients and organic matter, as well as itinerant biota.
Water-filled subterranean voids with low diversity of light-limited bacteria, fungi, detrivores and predators..
Scattered lobally in limestone or more rarely basalt or other lithic substrates.
Selected references for this functional group:
Gibert J, Deharveng L (2002) Subterranean ecosystems: a truncated functional biodiversity BioScience 52, 473-481 DOI:10.1641/0006-3568(2002)052[0473:seatfb];2
Maps are indicative of global distribution patterns are not intended to represent fine-scale patterns. The maps show areas of the world containing major (coloured red) or minor occurrences (coloured yellow) of each ecosystem functional group. See general notes on maps.
There are 2 alternative versions of the indicative map for this functional group, please compare description and sources below.
Williams P, Ting Fong Y (2016) World map of carbonate rock outcrops v3.0 The University of Auckland, Auckland. Webpage
Williams P, Ting Fong Y (2016) World map of carbonate rock outcrops v3.0 The University of Auckland, Auckland. Webpage