Peer reviewed publications


September 27, 2024

This is my list of peer-reviewed publications, including journal articles, book chapters and edited books. Updated in September 2024.

Alting, B. F., Pitcher, B. J., Rees, M. W., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Jordan, N. R. (2024), "Population density and ranging behaviour of a generalist carnivore varies with human population" Ecology and Evolution, 14, 5, e11404.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Keith, D. A. (2024), "Trade-offs in the use of direct and indirect indicators of ecosystem degradation for risk assessment" Ecological Indicators, 160, 111790.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Llambí, L. D., Melfo, A., and Keith, D. (2024), "First red list of ecosystems assessment of a tropical glacier ecosystem to diagnose the pathways toward imminent collapse" Oryx, Published online, 1–11.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Sánchez-Mercado, A. (2024), "The Neotropical Biodiversity Mapping Initiative: Transforming Venezuelan biodiversity monitoring and capacity building" Societal Impacts, 100088.
IUCN. (2024), Guidelines for the application of IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Categories and Criteria: version 2.0, (D. A. Keith, J. R. Ferrer-Paris, S. M. M. Ghoraba, S. Henriksen, M. Monyeki, N. J. Murray, E. Nicholson, J. Rowland, A. Skowno, J. A. Slingsby, A. B. Storeng, M. Valderrábano, and I. Zager, eds.), Gland, Switzerland, IUCN, xii, 162p. : ill.
Nicholson, E., Andrade, A., Driver, A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Keith, D., Sievers, M., and Stevenson, S. (2024), "Beyond the headline: Roles of the red list of ecosystems in implementing the kunming-montreal global biodiversity framework" Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Stachowicz, I., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Sánchez-Mercado, A. (2024), "Leveraging limited data from wildlife monitoring in a conflict affected region in venezuela" Scientific Reports, 14, 1673.
Keith, D. A., Ghoraba, S. M. M., Kaly, E., Jones, K. R., Oosthuizen, A., Obura, D., Costa, H. M., Daniels, F., Duarte, E., Grantham, H., Gudka, M., Norman, J., Shannon, L. J., Skowno, A., and Ferrer-Paris, J. R. (2023a), "Contributions of red lists of ecosystems to risk-based design and management of protected and conserved areas in africa" Conservation Biology.
Keith, D., Benson, D., Baird, I., Watts, L., Simpson, C., Krogh, M., Gorissen, S., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Mason, T. (2023b), "Effects of interactions between anthropogenic stressors and recurring perturbations on ecosystem resilience and collapse" Conservation Biology, 37, e13995.
Noriega, J. A., Castro-Arrazola, I. de, Alves-Martins, F., Ortega, J., Bini, L., Andrew, N., Arellano, L., Beynon, S., Davis, A., Favila, M., Floate, K., Horgan, F., Menéndez, R., Milotic, T., Nervo, B., Palestrini, C., Rolando, A., Scholtz, C., Senyüz, Y., Wassmer, T., Ádam, R., Araújo, C., Barragán-Ramírez, J., Boros, G., Camero-Rubio, E., Cruz, M., Cuesta, E., Damborsky, M., Deschodt, C., Rajan, P., D’hondt, B., Rojas, A. D., Dindar, K., Escobar, F., Espinoza, V., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Rojas, P. E. G., Hemmings, Z., Hernández, B., Hill, S., Hoffmann, M., Jay-robert, P., Lewis, K., Lewis, M., Lozano, C., Marín-Armijos, D., Farias, P. de, Murcia-Ordoñez, B., Karimbumkara, S., Navarrete-Heredia, J. L., Ortega-Echeverría, C., Pablo-Cea, J., Perrin, W., Pessôa, M., Radhakrishnan, A., Rahimi, I., Raimundo, A., Ramos, D., Rebolledo, R., Roggero, A., Sánchez-Mercado, A., Somay, L., Stadler, J., Tahmasebi, P., Céspedes, J. D. T., and Santos, A. (2023), "Dung removal increases under higher dung beetle functional diversity regardless of grazing intensification" Nature Communications, 14, 1, 8070.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Lozano, C., and Cardozo-Urdaneta, A. (2022), "Evaluando la novedad de un nuevo registro de <em>oxysternon ebeninum</em> (nevison, 1890) (coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) en venezuela" Revista Chilena de Entomología, 48, 2.
Keith, D. A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Nicholson, E., Bishop, M. J., Polidoro, B. A., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Tozer, M. G., Nel, J. L., Mac Nally, R., Gregr, E. J., Watermeyer, K. E., Essl, F., Faber-Langendoen, D., Franklin, J., Lehmann, C. E. R., Etter, A., Roux, D. J., Stark, J. S., Rowland, J. A., Brummitt, N. A., Fernandez-Arcaya, U. C., Suthers, I. M., Wiser, S. K., Donohue, I., Jackson, L. J., Pennington, R. T., Iliffe, T. M., Gerovasileiou, V., Giller, P., Robson, B. J., Pettorelli, N., Andrade, A., Lindgaard, A., Tahvanainen, T., Terauds, A., Chadwick, M. A., Murray, N. J., Moat, J., Pliscoff, P., Zager, I., and Kingsford, R. T. (2022), "A function-based typology for earth’s ecosystems" Nature, 610, 513–518.
Eberhard, J. R., Zager, I., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Rodríguez-Clark, K. (2021), "Contact calls of island Brown-throated Parakeets exhibit both character and variance shifts compared to calls of their mainland relatives" Ornithology, 139, 1.
Stachowicz, I., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Sánchez-Mercado, A. (2021), "Shifting cultivation and hunting across the savanna-forest mosaic in the gran sabana, venezuela: Facing changes" PeerJ, PeerJ, 9, e11612.
Saylors, K., Wolking, D. J., Hagan, E., Martinez, S., Francisco, L., Euren, J., Olson, S. H., Miller, M., Fine, A. E., Thanh, N. N. T., Tran Minh, P., Kalengkongan, J. D., PREDICT Consortium, Kusumaningrum, T., Latinne, A., Pamungkas, J., Safari, D., Saputro, S., Bamba, D., Coulibaly, K. J., Dosso, M., Laudisoit, A., N’guettia Jean, K. M., Dutta, S., Islam, A., Shano, S., Mwanzalila, M. I., Trupin, I. P., Gbakima, A., Bangura, J., Yondah, S. T., Karmacharya, D., Shrestha, R. D., Kamta, M. A. M., Mouiche, M. M. M., Ndolo, H. M., Niama, F. R., Onikrotin, D., Daszak, P., Johnson, C. K., and Mazet, J. A. K. (2021), "Socializing one health: An innovative strategy to investigate social and behavioral risks of emerging viral threats" One Health Outlook, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 3, 1.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Sánchez-Mercado, A. (2021), "Contributions of distribution modelling to the ecological study of psittaciformes" Diversity, 13, 12.
Sánchez-Mercado, A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Rodríguez, J. P., and L. Tella, J. (2021), "A literature synthesis of actions to tackle illegal parrot trade" Diversity, 13, 5.
Keith, D. A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Nicholson, E., and Kingsford, R. T. (Eds.). (2020), IUCN global ecosystem typology 2.0: Descriptive profiles for biomes and ecosystem functional groups, IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Stachowicz, I., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Quiroga-Carmona, M., Moran, L., and Lozano, C. (2020), "Baseline for monitoring and habitat use of medium to large non-volant mammals in gran sabana, venezuela" Therya, Asociacion Mexicana de Mastozoologia, 11, 2, 169–179.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Sánchez-Mercado, A. (2020), "Making inferences about non-detection observations to improve occurrence predictions in venezuelan psittacidae" Bird Conservation International, Cambridge University Press, 30, 3, 406–422.
Murray, N. J., Keith, D. A., Duncan, A., Tizard, R., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Worthington, T. A., Armstrong, K., Nyan Hlaing, Win Thuya Htut, Aung Htat Oo, Kyaw Zay Ya, and Grantham, H. (2020), "Myanmar’s terrestrial ecosystems: Status, threats and conservation opportunities" Biological Conservation, 252, 108834.
Rowland, J. A., Bland, L. M., Keith, D. A., Juffe-Bignoli, D., Burgman, M. A., Etter, A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Miller, R. M., Skowno, A. L., and Nicholson, E. (2019), "Ecosystem indices to support global biodiversity conservation" Conservation Letters, Wiley, 13, 1.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Zager, I., Keith, D. A., Oliveira-Miranda, M. A., Rodríguez, J. P., Josse, C., González-Gil, M., Miller, R. M., Zambrana-Torrelio, C., and Barrow, E. (2019), "An ecosystem risk assessment of temperate and tropical forests of the americas with an outlook on future conservation strategies" Conservation letters, Wiley, 12, 2, e12623.
Bland, L. M., Nicholson, E., Miller, R. M., Andrade, A., Carré, A., Etter, A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Herrera, B., Kontula, T., Lindgaard, A., Pliscoff, P., Skowno, A., Valderrábano, M., Zager, I., and Keith, D. A. (2019), "Impacts of the IUCN red list of ecosystems on conservation policy and practice" Conservation Letters, 12, 5, e12666.
Herrera, I., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Benzo, D., Flores, S., García, B., and Nassar, J. M. (2018), "An invasive succulent plant (kalanchoe daigremontiana) influences soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a neotropical semiarid zone" Pedosphere, 28, 4, 632–643.
Morán, L., García, L., Ferrebuz, J. D., Sánchez, R., Sánchez-Mercado, A., Porta, A., and Ferrer-Paris, J. R. (2018), "Interannual and daily activity patterns of mid-sized mammals in maracaibo lake basin, venezuela" Therya, 9, 3, 227 —–236.
Sánchez-Mercado, A., Rodríguez-Clark, K. M., Miranda, J., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Coyle, B., Toro, S., Cardozo-Urdaneta, A., and Braun, M. J. (2018), "How to deal with ground truthing affected by human-induced habitat change?: Identifying high-quality habitats for the critically endangered red siskin" Ecology and Evolution, 8, 2, 841 —–851.
Jędrzejewski, W., Boede, E. O., Abarca, M., Sánchez-Mercado, A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Lampo, M., Velásquez, G., Carreño, R., Viloria, Á. L., Hoogesteijn, R., Robinson, H. S., Stachowicz, I., Cerda, H., Weisz, M. M. del, Barros, T. R., Rivas, G. A., Borges, G., Molinari, J., Lew, D., Takiff, H., and Schmidt, K. (2017), "Predicting carnivore distribution and extirpation rate based on human impacts and productivity factors; assessment of the state of jaguar (panthera onca) in venezuela" Biological Conservation, 206, 132–142.
Kelly, T. R., Karesh, W. B., Johnson, C. K., Gilardi, K. V. K., Anthony, S. J., Goldstein, T., Olson, S. H., Machalaba, C., PREDICT Consortium, and Mazet, J. A. K. (2017), "One health proof of concept: Bringing a transdisciplinary approach to surveillance for zoonotic viruses at the human-wild animal interface" Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 137, 112–118.
Herrera, I., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Hernández-Rosas, J. I., and Nassar, J. M. (2016), "Impact of two invasive succulents on native-seedling recruitment in neotropical arid environments" Journal of Arid Environments, Elsevier BV, 132, 15–25.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Lozano, C., Cardozo-Urdaneta, A., and Thomas Cabianca, A. (2016), "Indicative response of oxysternon festivum linné (coleoptera: Scarabaidae) to vegetation condition in the basin of the orinoco river, venezuela" Journal of Insect Conservation, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 20, 3, 527–538.
Blanco Pérez, E., and Ferrer-Paris, J. R. (2016), "Métodos de estimación de cambios espacio-temporales en la distribución geográfica de especies" Métodos en Ecología y Sistemática, 11, 2, 121.
Thomas Cabianca, A., and Ferrer-Paris, J. R. (2015), "Primer reporte de la especie exótica chrysomya rufifacies macquart 1844 y nuevos registros de c. Putoria wiedemann 1818 (diptera: Calliphoridae) para venezuela" Bioinvasiones, 1, 19.
Viloria, Á. L., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Camacho, J., and Costa, M. (2015), "New satyrine butterflies from the venezuelan andes (lepidoptera: nymphalidae)" Anartia, Zenodo, 25, 95­–160.
Schwind, J. S., Wolking, D. J., Brownstein, J. S., PREDICT Consortium, Mazet, J. A. K., and Smith, W. A. (2014), "Evaluation of local media surveillance for improved disease recognition and monitoring in global hotspot regions" PLoS ONE, (M. L. Gatton, ed.), Public Library of Science (PLoS), 9, 10, e110236.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Sánchez-Mercado, A., Rodríguez-Clark, K. M., Rodríguez, J. P., and Rodríguez, G. A. (2014), "Using limited data to detect changes in species distributions: Insights from amazon parrots in venezuela" Biological Conservation, Elsevier BV, 173, 133–143.
Sánchez-Mercado, A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., García-Rangel, S., Yerena, E., Robertson, B. A., and Rodríguez-Clark, K. M. (2014), "Combining threat and occurrence models to predict potential ecological traps for andean bears in the cordillera de mérida, venezuela" Animal Conservation, Wiley, 17, 4, 388–398.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Mercado, A. S., and Rodríguez, J. P. (2013a), "Optimización del muestreo de invertebrados tropicales: Un ejemplo con escarabajos coprófagos (coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) en venezuela" Revista de Biología Tropical, Universidad de Costa Rica, 61, 1.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Sánchez-Mercado, A., L. Viloria, Ángel, and Donaldson, J. (2013b), "Congruence and diversity of butterfly-host plant associations at higher taxonomic levels" PLoS ONE, (H. H. Bruun, ed.), Public Library of Science (PLoS), 8, 5, e63570.
Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Rodríguez, J. P., Good, T. C., Sánchez-Mercado, A. Y., Rodríguez-Clark, K. M., Rodríguez, G. A., and Solís, A. (2012), "Systematic, large-scale national biodiversity surveys: NeoMaps as a model for tropical regions" Diversity and Distributions, Wiley, 19, 2, 215–231.
Rodríguez, G. A., Rodríguez, J. P., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., and Sánchez-Mercado, A. (2012), "A nation-wide standardized bird survey scheme for venezuela" The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, Wilson Ornithological Society, 124, 2, 230–244.
Sánchez-Mercado, A., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Yerena, E., García-Rangel, S., and Rodríguez-Clark, K. M. (2008), "Factors affecting poaching risk to vulnerable andean bears tremarctos ornatus in the cordillera de mérida, venezuela: Space, parks and people" Oryx, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 42, 03.
Viloria, A. L., Pyrcz, T. W., Wojtusiak, J., Ferrer-Paris, J. R., Beccaloni, G. W., Sattler, K., and Lees, D. C. (2003), "A brachypterous butterfly?" Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, The Royal Society, 270, suppl_1.