quarto render
This is how we built this!
No place like home
Who am I? I prepared some presentation slides about myself. You can find my personal website in English and Español.
These instructions are in English, but this site has content in multiple languages… I know it is confusing, but this is how I work. If you require clarifications please open an issue or send me a message.
All files are available in a GitHub repository. I am using Quarto to build this site.
Render site
With quarto and RStudio we can open the Build tab and select Build Website…
Or we can go to the command line and render the site:
Sing All the rowboats in the meantime (optional).
And then launch a preview:
quarto preview
If this work, we can just git add
, git commit
and git push
it to the repo and then follow the following steps to make it public.
Publish site
We follow these intructions: https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/github-pages.html
The first time we need to create an empty branch for the pages:
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git reset --hard # make sure all changes are committed before running this!
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initialising gh-pages branch"
git push origin gh-pages
Modify these options in the menu Settings
: Pages
for the GitHub repository:
- set source branch to
- set site directory to the repository root (1/1)
Add the docs
folder to .gitignore
, so that we do not replicate the information in both branches.
Now we can go back to the production branch and run the publish command:
git checkout dont-panic
quarto publish gh-pages
Each time we mofify the page, we only need to re-run the quarto publish
Just in case
I need some photos
Observations from iNaturalist
To get the data I first install the rinat
hereif (!require(rinat)) {
Then I can download the observations from iNaturalist and save them in a data folder:
# Download observations and save to RDS file
<- get_inat_obs_user("NeoMapas",maxresults = 5000)
user_obs if (!dir.exists(here::here("data")))
<- here::here("data","iNaturalist-obs-NeoMapas.rds")
file_name saveRDS(file=file_name, user_obs)
Photos from Flickr
So, I think I need some photos in my website, and I have a Flickr account, and I use R, there should be a library that…
Oh yes! found it!
Now I need a Flickr API key
setFlickrAPIKey(api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", install = TRUE)
And finally, it works!
Let’s now query our photos (up to 1000) and save the information in a RDS file:
readRenviron("~/.Renviron") # read the API key
here<- foreach(u=c("jferrer","jferrer","199798864@N08"), i=c(1,2,1),.combine = "bind_rows") %do% {
photos getPhotos(user_id = u, img_size="m", extras = c("description","owner_name",
"url_m"), per_page=1000, page=i)
<- here::here("data","flickr-photos.rds")
file_name saveRDS(file=file_name, photos)
Photos from google
Getting the photos from google Photos Library was more complex, but I wrote a blog entry describing all steps I took:
- I created a project in google cloud,
- enabled Photos Library API (not sure if this is relevant here),
- configured a simple consent page,
- created a OAuth 2.0 client ID and downloaded the json file.
- added
to my .Renviron file
Then I ran these lines of code:
Required libraries
Credentials for authentication
<- Sys.getenv("GC_PROJECT_CRED_JSON")
cred_json if (!file.exists(cred_json)) {
stop("credentials not found, please update Renviron file")
else {
} <- gargle_oauth_client_from_json(path=cred_json)
<- gargle2.0_token(
tkn email = Sys.getenv("GC_PROJECT_EMAIL"),
client = clnt,
scope = c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly",
)<- token_fetch(token=tkn)
k = paste('Bearer', k$credentials$access_token) authorization
List of albums
getalbum GET("https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/albums",
'Authorization' = authorization,
'Accept' = 'application/json'),
query = list("pageSize" = 50)) %>%
content(., as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
if (!is.null(getalbum$nextPageToken)) {
getalbum2 GET("https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/albums",
'Authorization' = authorization,
'Accept' = 'application/json'),
query = list("pageToken" = getalbum$nextPageToken)) %>%
content(., as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
<- getalbum$albums %>% select(id, title) album_info
Get photo information from target albums
<- c("Lugares - México", "Lugares - Europa", "Lugares - Sur América", "Eventos - Venezuela", "Visita a Colombia - Oct 2024", "Santiago - Nuevo León", "Lugares - Australia")
lugares <- c("Eventos - CEBA LEE", "Eventos - RLE", "Eventos - Venezuela", "Eventos - Mariposas", "Eventos - IVIC")
eventos <- album_info %>% filter(title %in% c(lugares, eventos)) %>% pull(id)
<- foreach(aID=aIDs, .combine = "bind_rows") %do% {
photos <- POST("https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/mediaItems:search",
dts add_headers(
'Authorization' = authorization,
'Accept' = 'application/json'),
body = list("albumId" = aID,
"pageSize" = 50),
encode = "json"
) content(., as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
fromJSON(., flatten = TRUE) %>%
$album <- album_info %>% filter(id %in% aID) %>% pull(title)
dts<- dts %>%
dts mutate(
output_file = str_replace_all(mediaItems.description, "[ ,/]+", "-"),
output_id = abbreviate(mediaItems.id))
dts }
Download images and create a DB file
here<- here::here("lgrs","img")
img_folder if (!dir.exists(img_folder))
for (i in seq(along=photos$mediaItems.id)[photos$album %in% lugares]) {
<- photos %>% slice(i)
photo <- sprintf("%s=w400-h400-d", photo$mediaItems.baseUrl)
durl <- sprintf("%s/%s-%s.jpg",img_folder, photo$output_id, photo$output_file)
dfile if (!file.exists(dfile))
download.file(url=durl, destfile=dfile)
<- here::here("evnts","img")
img_folder if (!dir.exists(img_folder))
for (i in seq(along=photos$mediaItems.id)[photos$album %in% eventos]) {
<- photos %>% slice(i)
photo <- sprintf("%s=w400-h400-d", photo$mediaItems.baseUrl)
durl <- sprintf("%s/%s-%s.jpg",img_folder, photo$output_id, photo$output_file)
dfile if (!file.exists(dfile))
download.file(url=durl, destfile=dfile)
<- here::here("data","google-photos.rds")
file_name saveRDS(file=file_name, photos)
This downloads copies (small size) of all the images that I will need, and save the links and other information into a RDS file.
Galleries with pixture
I am experimenting with the pixture package to create image galleries.
::install_github('royfrancis/pixture') remotes
Best to get a copy of logos in a folder rather than relying on external links that can break at any moment:
source inc/download-logos.sh
Download one csl
as a base style
cd bibteX
wget 'https://www.zotero.org/styles/journal-and-proceedings-of-the-royal-society-of-new-south-wales?source=1' --output-document=my.csl
Modify sort order of the bibliography (not the citation…):
bibliography hanging-indent="true" entry-spacing="0">
<key variable="issued" sort="descending"/>
<key macro="author"/>
</ ...